גרסת המובייל והטאבלט של האתר תעלה בימים הקרובים, לבינתיים אנו ממליצים להיכנס לאתר ממחשב שולחני או נייד.

ירושלים במלוא הדרה

משרד מכירות רח’ קינג דיוויד 16, ירושלים
טל׳ 972-2-502-5502
פקס 972-2-532-3532


days of Bein Hametzarim

In these days of Bein Hametzarim when we mourn the destruction of Yerushalayim, we are gratified to share with you the progress of Jerusalem Estates, which is infusing Yerushalayim with new life as we anticipate the city’s complete renewal.

As we wrap up the first half of the fiscal year, here’s the latest status update on the project and where it’s currently at.



In the last half year, we signed contracts totaling NIS 250,000,000. A limited number of uber-premium, spacious apartments remain for sale in Buildings 6 and 7, as outlined in detail in previous newsletters.

We were pleased to receive the most incredible feedback from our discerning clients, who know to appreciate the unprecedented fusion of authentic history and luxurious residential living in the heart of Yerushalayim.


After the completion of most of the construction, occupancy rates soared, with dozens of families and thousands of guests fortunate enough to experience the Jerusalem Estates standard in real life.


Buildings HaKarkov, HaKad, HaDekel, HaNevel, HaGevia:

Have been inhabited for nearly two years by dozens of happy families.


Buildings HaChatzotzrot and HaKinor:

Will be receiving Form 4 (Occupancy Permits) shortly.


Buildings HaLulav and HaOgen:

Work has begun on the  building interiors, while we near the completion of the stone cladding on the facades.


Buildings HaGefen and HaEshkol:

Are under construction, with the frame currently 6 stories high and due to be completed in approximately 2 months.


Buildings HaRimon and HaEtrog:

Are under construction as well, with the frame in progress at ground level.


Bronze Guest Suites

Luxury suites for a short stay

We are nearing the completion of another phase of the hospitality complex, to expand the available space for guests looking to experience the highest level of luxury in the center of the city.


The Cardo

An exclusive avenue of shoppes in the Schneller Complex

This indoor, air-conditioned shopping center brought an all-new experience to the Jerusalem shopping scene. An extension is currently underway, adding a wider range of stores for the benefit of our residents.


The Amenities

Construction has begun on the complex’s  amenities

located near Buildings 6 and 7, following a long and meticulous international planning phase. We’ll soon be able to see the vision come to life: The Livnas HaSapir Shul, the Odem (Ruby) Wine Cellar, the Pit’da (Topaz) Lounge, the Barkat (Emerald) Event Hall, the Tarshish (Aquamarine) Men’s Mikvah and the Leshem (Opal) and Yushfe (Jasper) Men’s and Women’s Gyms.

Signing off in thanks and in prayer,
“בורא עולם בקניין השלם זה הבניין”
“Creator of the World, as His Acquisition,  complete this building.”