גרסת המובייל והטאבלט של האתר תעלה בימים הקרובים, לבינתיים אנו ממליצים להיכנס לאתר ממחשב שולחני או נייד.

ירושלים במלוא הדרה

משרד מכירות רח’ קינג דיוויד 16, ירושלים
טל׳ 972-2-502-5502
פקס 972-2-532-3532


Mazal Tov, Jerusalem has a new street

אור חדש על ציון תאיר

Last month, we highlighted the ancient coins which have accompanied Jerusalem Estates throughout its development, both as a central project motif and a connection to the rich cultural past of the Schneller Complex.

We are happy to announce that we have received official recognition from the Jerusalem Municipality for the naming of the project’s central street, where the Amphora Promenade provides a natural oasis for our residents.

The street has been coined the  “רחוב המטבע היהודי”, with the description appearing below the name: commemorating the ancient Jewish coins from the times of the Chashmonaim, the Great Revolt, and Bar Kochba.

 It traverses the 13 buildings of Jerusalem Estates, which bear the names of ancient coins: HaKharkov, HaKad, HaDekel, HaGafen, HaEshkol, HaRimon, HaEsrog, HaLulav, HaOgen, HaChatzotzros, HaKinor, HaNevel and HaGevia; a uniting theme that pays homage to the unique historical character of the site.

Excerpted from the paper submitted by the committee:


Yerushalayim is considered an historical capital and an archaeological attraction on a global scale. Thousands of historical finds have been excavated, found, and researched in this very city. Among these finds, the ancient Jewish coins stand out with their factual, dated nature, one that serves as unequivocal evidence of the thousands of years of Jewish rule in Israel.

Jerusalem Estates sits on an historic lot, the Schneller Compound, which has 8 buildings slated for conservation. In addition, the branding of the entire project, the names and markings on each building, as well as the interior design, notably in the lobbies, has consistently utilized a set of characteristics and motifs taken from the Jewish coins issued 2,000 years ago: the Hasmonean period, the Great Revolt and the times of Bar Kochba.

Naming the project’s central street “המטבע היהודי” would be a natural way to commemorate the site’s history, from 2,000 years ago to the last decades. It will be a beautiful complement to the project overall, and a show of respect for the Jewish history of Jerusalem so splendidly expressed by these ancient coins.

The various committees discussed the issue several times and came to the conclusion that the right name for a street in such a historical, central location is “המטבע היהודי”. In doing so, the authorities gave a stamp of approval to the significant value of the complex and the illustrious project within.

We will continue to update you on any developments here at Jerusalem Estates.


Happy Chanukah!