גרסת המובייל והטאבלט של האתר תעלה בימים הקרובים, לבינתיים אנו ממליצים להיכנס לאתר ממחשב שולחני או נייד.

ירושלים במלוא הדרה

משרד מכירות רח’ קינג דיוויד 16, ירושלים
טל׳ 972-2-502-5502
פקס 972-2-532-3532


עֹד יֵשְׁבוּ זְקֵנִים וּזְקֵנוֹת בִּרְחֹבוֹת יְרוּשָׁלָ‍ִם

Chodesh Tov! We hope that you and yours are well. These days are difficult for all of us, but we hope and pray that we will soon return to blessed routine.


Here at Jerusalem Estates, we are moving ahead with work, and progressing nearly as usual. Aside from the final finishes to the building interiors, priority is being given to the Inner Amphora Garden between the buildings, as we near the expected occupancy stage in three months’ time.

We anticipate that by the upcoming Sukkos, you’ll be able to dwell in your very own Sukkah, in your new residence at Jerusalem Estates. May it be with health and tranquility, and may Hashem remove all sickness from our midst, Amen.




We extend our wishes for the refuah and nechama of our dear brethren across the Diaspora, especially the Chareidi community in New York and its suburbs, where so many are mourning tragic losses. Our hearts are with you. May we stand together next year in a restored and rebuilt Jerusalem, Amen.